The Books of the Bible Your Pastor Never Preached On
Do you know the books of the Bible that your pastor (or yourself) never preached on? If you have a hard time spelling them, chances are that they might be the most neglected and least studied books in the Bible. No, it’s not Leviticus. Some people love studying and preaching Leviticus..
Blurring the Lines of ‘Human Rights’
The media serves up some strange offerings. One of the latest is the decision to award the status of ‘personhood’ to a river in New Zealand.
A Biblical Perspective on Work
There are many different reasons why people go to work or find work. A common reason is people need to earn an income to financially support themselves. Everyone needs money to pay the bills, food and to save or spend on leisure. Parents of young children go to work so they can provide for themselves and their young ones.
The Anticipation of Grief
I sat at a funeral service. I had mentally prepared myself not to cry, not be emotional. I knew that once I started a drop of tear, it would soon flow into a river. Yes, I may have been mentally prepared. But was I emotionally prepared? Maybe not.
Surprised by the Nature of Things
The bass notes from Jay Z's 99 Problems linger in the air as the lights dramatically fade at the stadium. A roar from the crowd erupts, as we spontaneously feel that our anticipation is about to be replaced with joy. Suddenly, the synth and chimes of Mylo Xyloto build to a climax and the atmosphere explodes into a mind-boggling display of lights, lasers and confetti cannons.
The Truth About People in Two Words
There’s a gem of wisdom I’ve gleaned over decades of my life experience, plus from observing the lives and experiences of people I know, in addition to extensive research. I have condensed my conclusion into two words. Ready for it?
The War on Our Worship
Biblical Worship would be one of the areas in my life since I was a child that has been the centre of who I am. When I was five years old, I would get up at 5am and wake up my whole family and even the neighbourhood with songs of praise and worship.
The Idea of Genius
Those who experience creative flow are remarkable. Something that writers would call the opposite of "writers block". People get this feeling from time to time, usually when they are doing something that involves an element of creativity. I have experienced this doing a number of things; writing, thinking, making surfboards and various other projects.
The Constant Comparison
Have you ever read something that left a profound impact on your life?
Member of a Church Without Being Part of a Community? Bad Idea!
Surprisingly, I have met a lot of Christians who are members of a church yet they are not really mingling along with their fellow church members. Some of them have been a member for quiet a number of years yet they keep a good distance getting involved socially with the church, even in fellowship.
I have a simple thought: Everyone needs good friends. Good friends are reflection of our gifts and flaws and they are with us throughout every season of our lives.
Words: When a Leader Makes a Mistake
The news is constantly reporting the lives of people in authority. Sharp eagle eyes are ever on our nation's prime minister and leaders. Pastors are under scrutiny and their actions, more often the negative ones, are highlighted in the media, just like the trending news of a megachurch pastor’s affair with a teenage church member.