Loving God Part 1 – With Soul

Loving God Part 1 – With Soul

What is the soul of a person and how can you define it?.

  • Crowning a king

    Is King Charles merely an outdated royal, and his throne an anachronistic throwback to medieval times?

  • The journey of the soul

    Did you exist before you existed?

  • Peace Like A River

    The continuous noise of life seems to have become a louder continuum for many people over the last few years, perhaps more so than I have experienced in recent decades.

  • Unhealthy guilt: When our best doesn’t seem enough

    Recently I’ve found myself feeling guilty all the time. It feels as if it’s not good enough even when I try to do my best.

  • Don’t Make Sadness a Death Sentence

    What is the meaning of life? These days the meaning of life, at least in the developed world, seems to be the pursuit of happiness.

  • The Trinity for Salvation

    I was chatting with a friend the other day on how we pray because he mentioned he was reading a book “Knowledge of the Holy” by A. W. Tozer. The first page of the book arrested him with the sentence: “What comes to mind when we think about God is the most important thing about us”.

  • He is Good

    When I reflect on my time at University, I feel quite satisfied with how I spent it. I wasn’t overly concerned with my grades and consistently sought new experiences with new people.

  • The Culture of God’s Kingdom – Love

    As we all know, love is a strong emotional feeling.

  • More than a social group

    This was a gathering of believers worshipping, praying, and seeking God’s direction. They greatly impacted their community as they lived and shared everything. 

  • Facing the truth

    His mouth said it all. His lips were pursed, tight; his face was closed. As the former leader of the so-called free world, he was not used to being in a courtroom, facing charges. The door wasn’t held open for him when he entered – there was no band striking up, ‘Hail the chief!’

  • I am a teacher

    I have always wanted to be a teacher. One of the main reasons is because I am passionate about helping other's find their purpose in life. We are all good at something, and we can all contribute to the world with our talents. If only someone recognized our talents and helped us hone it.