Open doors

Open doors

In May 2015, Craig Bellamy, former rugby league player and coach of the Melbourne Storm in the Australian NRL for the last 21 years, wrote a column in The Australian newspaper that said sports chaplains are a much-needed resource in rugby league..

  • Into the deep

    Have you ever swum in choppy water? Or swum in water way too deep for you? Have you tried searching for what lies beneath the surface, but it’s so murky, you can’t see anything?

  • Broken World in Need of Hope

    One of the privileges I have in my job is interacting with a wide swath of people from various backgrounds who are full of hope looking to make an impact on the world. There is something about university students – they exude a hope and confidence in the world is going to improve, and that they are part of the solution. That’s why most of them come to university after all. Or is it?

  • Jesus, Bunnies, and the Joy of Easter

    I love celebrating things! I love celebrating events and people and just life in general! I particularly love celebrating things using a theme that fits the occasion!

  • Led Through the Seasons

    Having recently shared these thoughts with a good friend, their response of joy came with the additional comment: “I pray you enjoy this season for however long it lasts.” Truly, I know it was said with love and good intentions - but it got me thinking.

  • Why is your body a temple?

    Scrambling for motivation for the next training session it is hard to resist the bright colours and edgy fonts of the latest trending instagram quote “The body is a temple”. Is it not just the perfect excuse to justify losing yourself in preparing your body to perform to perfection?

  • Where are the protests?

    On 6 March 2023, New Zealand’s government published a new land transport plan with climate change as the number one priority. This was to be achieved by improving public transport and restructuring how much funding would be spent on road infrastructure for vehicle use.

  • The Culture of God’s Kingdom – Hope

    What is hope? According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, ‘hope’ is defined as “desire accompanied by expectation of or belief in fulfilment.”

  • Don’t unsend that message

    In the last month, how many times have you undone something? Whether that’s undo on a document, unsend on a messaging app, or even backspacing?

  • Welcome to the Twenties

    Welcome to the Twenties. A decade flamboyantly characterised by dramatic political and social change. Hems became shorter, Jazz became popular and the burgeoning consumer economy allowed for widespread participation.

  • If we are all equal before our Maker, Why are some still slaves?

    The question leapt at me from the blog page I was reading.

  • Remembering

    I have often grumbled about our rental home. It’s too small. There’s not enough space for everything. The kitchen can only have one person in it. It’s simply too cluttered.